Storytellers: The Figure in Time and Space
Sunday, February 25, 2001 to Thursday, March 22, 2001

- Wes Christensen
- Timothy Cummings
- F. Scott Hess
- Margo Humphrey
- Stephen Namara
- Paul Pratchenko
- Iggy Scam
- Greta Snider
- M. Louise Stanley
- Marta Thoma
- Naomi Uman
- Ruprecht Von Kaufmann
- Ruth Weisberg
- Joseph Wolek
Curated by Barbara Foster, Candace Crockett and Sylvia S. Walters
"The figurative tradition in art has never died. The use of the figure gives emphasis to human interests; working from the inside out. The stories which emerge are fragmentary narratives, many are unfixed in time - juggling past and present, and are drawn from a variety of sources - mirroring the complexity of contemporary experience and understanding. Working from the figure allows the artist to consider issues of idealism and realism as well as diverse sources, intuitions, obtuse meanings and fictions. These ideas enliven the fundamental features of work in this exhibition: in painting, sculpture, printmaking, film, and photography."
Barbara Foster, curator